Lootcrate Review: Dead
The Walking Dead meets Deadpool in this Lootcrate.
Lootcrate has a monthly awesome subscription box that all Geeks love. Each month has a different theme. This one's theme is Dead.
There is this cool TACOS Deadpool shirt by FifthSun apparel.
A McFarlane toys collectible Walking Dead mystery figure.
I got Rick!
There are these fantastic Daryl ear necklace soaps. Though I can't imagine rubbing these ears in the shower...
The monthly Lootcrate button has turned into a Pin and this one is an undead loot box walking around.
The book with this month's book is all about surviving the zombie apocalypse.
And it even has a quiz on which The Walking Dead character you are.
Then last but not least there is action Deadpool statue.
It shows a scene of Deadpool with an explosion behind him sending him forward.
The box itself turns into a zombie nightmare, and it is totally covered in walkers.
This crate was on point for the DEAD theme, I can't wait to see what comes next.