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DIY: Storm Trooper Cupcakes

Celebrate Starwars any day with these fun Storm Trooper Chocolate Banana Cupcakes!

These cupcakes are easy to make and a great activity to keep the kids busy.

What you will need:

1x Betty Crocker Super Moist Yellow Cake Mix

1x Box Jello Pudding Banana Cream flavor

1x Chocolate Frosting

1x Black frosting tube

Cupcake Liners

1 Egg

1/3 Cup Oil

1/2 Cup Milk

1x Bag Giant Marshmallows

2x Mashed Bananas

Mix Milk, Oil, Cake Batter, 2x Mashed Bananas and Egg and bake at 320 for 25 min. Let the cupcakes cool then frost with the chocolate frosting.

Below are step by step pictures for the Storm Trooper faces to make with your black frosting and marshmallows. I chose Sparkle Gel for a little shine.

Once you have made enough marshmallow Storm Trooper marshmallows for each cupcake gently press one into the top of the cupcakes.

Then enjoy!

May the Force be with you!

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