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My Hero! Art Exhibit

The Bedford Gallery took me on an exciting journey through super heroes in many art forms with the My Hero! collection.

I attended the Opening Reception and it did not disappoint!

From the moment I walked in there was a buzz of excitement, even a receptionist was taking action, wearing a Batgirl mask.

The pieces ranged widely and were incredibly captivating. Many of them had tiny hidden details and contained comic book pages.

One of my favorite pieces was this Robin Williams Mrs. Doubtfire and Batman mash up.

For the Opening Reception there was a fantastic Super Hero Fashion Show.

The models ranged from modern looks, to full on Cosplay costumes and self-created super hero wearable art pieces.

Once the models had gone down the runway, everyone who was in costume were invited to take a walk.

The My Hero! Contemporary Art & Superhero Action exhibit ran from January 17 – March 20, 2016.

There were paintings, photographs, drawings, sculptures and much more.

Some of the pieces are dark and some made me laugh.

The hours are Tuesday through Sunday, Noon to 5:00 pm, and 6:00 - 8:00 pm on evenings. The Gallery is closed on Mondays.

To book an exhibition tour call (925)295-1416 or email

Currently the gallery is showing a baseball themed series called Safe at Home.

A special thank you to the Bedford Gallery and Kori Johnson for allowing me to photograph this Heroic event!

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