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Why you should be watching 'Stranger Things'

There is an amazing series out now on Netflix, and you need to see it.

Stranger Things is a science fiction series based in the wonderfully nostalgic 1980's. Even the intro credits for the show took me back 20 years.

It centers around 4 boys who are best friends and total nerds, they even play dungeons and dragons. Featuring their teenage siblings, who have a love triangle situation going on as the show progresses, their parents, and people of the small town they live in, there is a wealth of characters and personalities.

The show starts out with drama from the get go as one of the group goes missing, and his friends and family will stop at nothing to find him.

One of the things I really love about the show is the adults are not all typical idiot parents. The adults believe in the unbelievable and listen to the kids and teenagers when they explain where their friend really is and what is really going on.

Even the chief of police, who in TV shows with child leads are known to be notorious blundering idiots, takes the lead in finding the boy and is

willing to break the law himself to find the truth.

There is another lead character in the group of kids, she is pretty much the star of the show in my opinion, named Eleven. She is a nervous but brave telepathic girl who is being experimented on, escapes and joins the group.

Stranger Things is like E.T. mixed with a Stephen King novel with a dash of Alien and a hint of Paranormal Activity.

There are only 8 episodes in the first season and that breaks my heart. Though the show is confirmed for a season 2.

Stranger Things is absolutely worth 8 hours of your life. Between the fantastic classic 80's music, stellar performances by fresh face child actors and 80's pop culture references (Star Wars, Poltergeist, Evil Dead and more) it will give you "all the feels".

Watching made me a little sad, knowing that future generations will never be able to have the same type of adventures as us 80's kids. And did I mention there is an alternate dimension and flesh eating monsters? What more do you need...


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