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San Francisco Lego Store Grand Re-Opening

We headed into San Francisco Saturday at 5am on an adventure for the Lego Store re-opening.

There were free with purchase gifts to be had, depending on which day you visited. We went on Saturday only, because work, kids etc. And I have needed the Lego Store Lego set in my life for a long time.

There were signs all over the doors for then entrance to the mall that we were supposed to wait at. I called the store the day before and got perfect instructions from Danielle (a staff member) on how to arrive and be in line for the giveaway.

There was even a Master Builder event later on.

I went with Danny and a friend and we brought our boys, who love all things geek including Lego. We were 6th in line and the boys were so excited!

Thankfully they were content to play PokemonGo & Minecraft while wearing their Ash hat's for the next 4+ hours.

It was freezing cold but I had my Lego scarf to keep me warm.

The line grew very slowly for the first few hours, then out of no was so long I couldn't see the end.

When we were waiting in line before the store opened, Kalpana another staff member, greeted us with a huge smile. She asked us questions, was personable and friendly, you could tell she was genuinely happy to be there just like us.

The opening even was organized and well thought out, which was so very much appreciated for those of us that spent 4+ hours in line early that morning.

About 10 min before the store opened we were let in the mall in groups of 5-10 at a time and lead in to the roped off line in front of the store. As the lines filled in people from previous rows were all highfive-ing each other and there were smiles everywhere!

People were cheering, taking photos, laughing and talking to each other about their collections.

Once it was 10am we were let in the store in group of about 10-15 at a time to pick our purchases and get our free set.

The store was well stocked, clean, organized and perfect.

The checkout line moved very fast. My cashier was Peter he was friendly and fast which was great because the store was so busy.

And I just adore my new set and can't wait to build it.

Thank you to all of the staff for continuing to be being the reason we shop at Lego stores! It was really a blast being there, thanks to the team.

I was sad about not being able to attend all 3 days for the backpack and the Minifigures but hopefully another store will open near by! Thanks again for a great morning!


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